“Kiss Me, I’m Irish!” said the drunk leprechaun gnawing on a potato.

“Kiss Me, I’m Irish!” said the drunk leprechaun gnawing on a potato.

You have to love the simplicity of the Irish.  The simple potato prepared in so many different ways kept a civilization alive, healthy and able to withstand the Roman Empire.  Not bad at all.  The potato has gotten the Irish through the worst famines, droughts, pestilence and snake invasions.  Much props to Saint Patrick for telling those slithery suckers to piss off.  So next time you indulge in a potato feast, think about the history of the carbohydrates you are eating.  When you’re done with that, pounce on your date and blame your crazy Irish roots, even if you don’t have them.

Total time: approximately 30 minutes
Projected cost: $3
Drinking Buddy: Depends on what you serve this with. If you are eating them solo, celebrate the Irish with a Guinness or whiskey

jane-potatoes-prepIngredients (serves 2):
1. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
2. 6 red potatoes
3. 1 tablespoon of coarse sea salt
4. 1 small handful of fresh rosemary
5. Pepper to taste (not pictured)

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Wash off each potato, then cut them into mouthful pieces.
Step 2
Lay tinfoil over a baking pan.  Lay down the olive oil.  Toss in the potatoes and crown it all with salt, rosemary and pepper (if you so desire).  Toss the potatoes with your hands, ensuring the potatoes are well coated.  Throw the pan into the oven and cook until the potatoes brown (approx 25 minutes).
Allow these potatoes to compliment your favorite ENTRÉE and date.


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3 Responses to HO’S MAY BLOW-TATOES

  1. […] Total time: approximately 3 minutes Projected cost: approximately $15 (depending on price of the booze) Eating Buddy: HO’S MAY BLOW-TATOES […]

  2. alexis says:

    Actually, the Irish didn’t get the potato until after contact with South America was made, which is where the potato originates from. So over a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire.

  3. Lyall says:

    The potato has gotten the Irish through the worst famines…

    Except when it didn’t 😦

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