Class up the Jell-O by setting them in citrus rinds

Class up the Jell-O by setting them in citrus rinds

Jell-O shots are a symbol of youthful indiscretion.  The very use of them conjures up memories of high school or college parties.  Turning alcohol into a solid, easily tossable form indicates a clear problem with authority.  Anyone making, serving or slurping these lacks maturity and predictability.  Shame shame, they know your name!  If the kid in you still wants to play hard, read on.  If you are shaking your head with disappointment, might I recommend the AARP website where they offer great tips for keeping your shuffleboard skills tip top during winter.  Fact: Jell-O shots are silly. Fact: Jell-O shots are a crapshoot of adventure.  Part of the fun is seeing how hard they’ll hit you (CTB recommends caution, of course).  Chances are good that you’ll end up drunkenly manhandling someone who will hopefully molest you right back. Both your chins will be stained from gelatin and your brains tainted with booze.  Do Bill Cosby proud and say it loud, “There’s always room for Jell-O!”

jello-shots-prepTotal time: approximately 4 hours

Projected cost: $6 (excluding vodka)

Drinking Buddy: You’re eating your drink, Mm mm!


1. 1 package of Jell-O, chef’s choice on flavor

2. 2 cups of vodka

3. 2 cups of water

4. Handful of separated mint leaves

5. 6 lemons or oranges to half & hollow out

Step 1

Bring the water to a roaring boil.  Dump in the Jell-O mix and stir until the powder dissolves completely (approx 2 minutes).  Turn off the heat and pour the cold or room temperature vodka into the mix.


Step 2

Cut the lemon or oranges in half and hollow them out.  Use a ladle to pour the unformed Jell-O liquid to the brim of each hollow rind.  Place in the fridge and allow them to cool and harden (approx 4 hours).  Halfway through the process, place a mint sprig in each half and allow them to set.  Serve the Jell-O shots up


There's always room for Jell-O!

There's always room for Jell-O!

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  1. The game of shuffleboard is a great and stylish game that all people should try out. My fam loves it! Those peeps that have not played are missing out, it is absolutely one of my most favorite social games. We are planning to purchasing a new shuffleboard table for our living room soon – I just cant wait!

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