Via Bangria via mi cama

This recipe comes from Mandy in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We had to include a boozy recipe with summer finally here. Mandy writes:

Sangria in summer is necessary for me as the free clinic is to a hooker. I can’t live without some cold fruity wine as the sun beats down. The best way to enjoy it is with as little clothing as possible. No clothing is best. There’s no better way to cool you down after stick summer sex. Plus you can pick out the fruit and eat them off your play pal. The best part of this recipe is that it’s a portable party for backyard BBQs, pool parties, or orgies.

Total time: Approximately 2 hours (10 min prep/2 hrs fridge time)
Projected cost: $10
Eating buddy: Something off the GRILL

Ingredients (serves 4 drunkily)
1. 2 bottle cheap white wine
2. Approx 30 OZ fruit juice
3. 1-gallon water jug
4. 1 apple
5. 1 orange
6. 1 container blackberries

Step 1
Chop up the apple and orange into tiny niblets. Stuff them along with the blackberries into the 1-gallon jug.

Step 2
Dump in all the white wine and fill up the rest of the jug with the juice. Refrigerate your sangria and let allow the fruit and wine to soak and mingle (approx 2 hrs). Fill each glass, making sure to pour in plenty of fruit.

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