Hola, mi amigo!  Nothing says, “Girl (or boy), you’re worth the extra $2 an avocado,” like guacamole.  Sometimes salsa just isn’t enough.  Serve these with tortilla chips or with some magical Mexican feast.  Ole!

1. 2 Haas avocados depitted and roughly chopped
2. 2 green onions roughly chopped
3. 1 jalepeno, deveined and deseeded, and roughly chopped
4. 1 tomato roughly chopped
5. ½ a lime
6. salt to taste

Step 1
Throw the chunks of avocado, green onion, jalapeno and tomato into a bowl and mix like a champ. Squeeze the lime and salt as desired (not much more than a teaspoon).

Step 2
Take a fork, egg beater or cooking wand and mash together.  Be sure to leave some chunks so they can tell you made it yourself.  Go team!
•    Add chunks of mango to the guacamole for a sweet sensation
•    Cilantro also makes a nice addition if you want it more salsa-like


  1. ursula says:

    if you put frozen peas in with the guacamole it makes more and makes it even more green and you can save the leftovers for the next day!

  2. […] Mexican food brings a smile to all but the most bitter, tasteless, and/or racist. It’s comfort food, like a big hug when you’re lazy, depressed, or plain happy. While Mexican comfort food doesn’t do much for your waistline, it can be a useful tool in freeing said waist from the cruel constraints of clothing. Put someone at ease and they will not resist your amorous approach. It’s all about comfort after all. Nothing builds comfort quite like a breaded semi-spicy chili stuffed with cheesy goodness. Bring sexy back with some HORIZONTAL MAMBO MANGO SALSA and GUAPO GRINGO GUACAMOLE. […]

  3. […] 1 bag tortilla chips 2. 1 can refried bean 3. 1 small container sour cream 4. SIMPLY SEXY SALSA 5. GUAPO GRINGO GUACAMOLE 6. 2 handfuls jack cheese 7. 2 tomatoes chopped coarsely 8. 3 green onions chopped coarsely 9. 1 […]

  4. […] 1 bag tortilla chips 2. 1 can refried bean 3. 1 small container sour cream 4. SIMPLY SEXY SALSA 5. GUAPO GRINGO GUACAMOLE 6. 2 handfuls jack cheese 7. 2 tomatoes chopped coarsely 8. 3 green onions chopped coarsely 9. 1 […]

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