March 9, 2016
Bob Cobb would be proud...or he might be rolling in his grave.

Bob Cobb would be proud…or he might be rolling in his grave.

You can’t argue with a classic.  The Cobb Salad is a staple of any lunch spot.  But who says it can’t kick start a date into hyper drive?  It certainly passes the health stress test with the fiber, protein and low-fat content.  You almost forget how nourishing it is because each bite tastes like a magical mystery tour in your mouth.  The crunch of the lettuce, creaminess of the bleu cheese, aphrodisiac avocado explosion, & meaty monkey business in the chicken and bacon all lead you to one conclusion: God-fucking-damn!

Total time: approximately 10 minutes
Projected cost: $13
Drinking Buddy: Red wine or RAGING HARD ON LEMONADE

cobb-n-balls-salad-prepIngredients (serves 2):
1. ½ head of romaine lettuce
2. 1 teaspoon of olive oil
3. 2 teaspoons of red wine vinegar
4. ½ teaspoon of black pepper
5. 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
6. 1 handful + 1 teaspoon of bleu cheese crumbled
7. 3 strips of cooked bacon
8. 1 cooked chicken breast, grilled or baked
9. 1 AVOCADO diced into bite-sized pieces
10. 1 hard-boiled egg
11. 1 tomato diced

Step 1
Mix up the dressing by combining the Dijon mustard, ed wine vinegar, olive oil, black pepper and 1 teaspoon of blue cheese.  Set aside.
Step 2
Wash the romaine, cut off the stock, then cut bite-size pieces of lettuce, and line the bottom of a salad bowl.  Throw the chopped tomato on top.  Slice the egg thinly and spread them out evenly.  Chop up the bacon into bits and spread it out too.  Chop the chicken breast into bite-sized pieces and scatter those on top.  Do the same with a handful of blue cheese and crown it all with avocado.
Step 3
Serve up the plates of salad, tonging up a plateful as is.  DO NOT TOSS!  You want the layers of Cobb glory to shine like a Tiffany diamond.  Scoop in your desired amount of dressing and let the good times roll.

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June 17, 2009
Eternal culinary salvation is at your fingertips.

Eternal culinary salvation is at your fingertips.

Praise the Lor…no wait…praise the whores!  May all the sinners of the world indulge without fear of reprisal from the cock-blocking conservatives.  Who are they to say what body parts you can or can’t slather in salad dressing?  Do my nipples smothered in Japanese miso dressing condemn me to eternal damnation?  Alas, my conscience says NO!  Fear not the reprisals from an angry God bent on you burning in hell fire with sharp pitchforks piercing your soft bum.  Instead we must continue our hedonist ways for the sake of our fellow sinners.    This salad is all about indulging without risking tainting your soul or your healthy diet regimen.  So dig in and feel no shame.  You are loved.  Amen.

salivate for this salad prepTotal time: approximately 10 minutes
Projected cost: $7
Drinking Buddy: White wine or a PANTY DROPPING SHANDY

Ingredients (serves 2):
1. 1 chicken breast baked
2. 1 hard-boiled egg
3. Japanese miso dressing
4. 1 handful of dried cranberries
5. Lettuce
6. 1 tomato cut in wedges
7. ½ an AVOCADO sliced thinly

Step 1
Chop the lettuce into bite-sized pieces.  Slice the hardboiled egg thinly.  Cut the chicken into long strips.salivate for this salad chop chop

Step 2
Lay out each plate in this order: lettuce, tomato, avocado, chicken, egg, cranberries and lastly Japanese miso dressing at your discretion.salivate for this salad mix

Serve up without shame or fear of religious reprisal.

salivate for this salad served

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