April 2, 2016
Naked Nacho Naughtiness needs no non-naked nonsense.

Naked Nacho Naughtiness needs no non-naked nonsense.

Because, why not?  We exhaust ourselves being seriously serious and fully clothed.  Get naughty for a change.  Is there really anything wrong with eating nachos naked in bed?  Sure it’s messy and totally awesome, but oh so primal and did I mention easy enough for a lab monkey to make?  Mr. Nutter the chimp threw this together and invited all the lady lab apes to his cage for some monkey business.  So be bold and invite your date over for naked nachos.  They will just think you mean sans meat or dairy.  Let them.  Answer the door wearing nothing but the nachos in your hand.

Total time: approximately 10 minutes
Projected cost: $11
Drinking Buddy: Beer

macho-nachos-prep1Ingredients (serves 2):
1. ½ bag of tortilla chips
2. 1 tablespoon of sour cream
3. 2 jalapeños diced in rounds
4. 2 tablespoons of SIMPLY SEXY SALSA
5. 2 tablespoons of GUAPO GRINGO GUACAMOLE
6. ½ can of black beans
7. 2 green onions chopped coarsely
8. 1 chicken breast grilled or baked (vegetarian exclude)
9. 2 large handfuls of shredded jack cheese

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Pull apart the chicken into shreds.  Lay a thin bed of chips on large oven safe plate.  Scoop in 2 spoonfuls of black beans, throw a handful of chicken, jalapeños, green onion, and a heaping handful of jack cheese.  Repeat the process with another smaller batch of chips and fillings until you have yourself a tower.

macho-nachos-assemble1Step 2
Throw the nachos in the oven and bake until the cheese melts into the goodness below (approx 15 min).  Create condom-ment mini mountains of SALSA, GUACAMOLE and sour cream.  Now the two of you, get naked and climb that mountain!


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October 5, 2015

Dont be a prick-ly pear.

All earthly creatures do it in their own way. Giraffes do it standing up, their long necks intertwined. Male spider monkeys will grab their female partner mid-air, hump them, and release before they even hit the ground. Humans have all kinds of mating rituals from courting over food, to bringing in toys to “bring the spark back”, to discussing the relationship ad nausea post-coital. And within the human genus, we have countless subsets of this behavior. We are an odd species to be sure. Aliens who enslave us two decades from now will be hard-pressed to figure out how to get us to toil away on the Vectarion reactors. I’ll make it simple for them: give us food and let us bang. We’ll take it from there, Remulox. Read the rest of this entry »


December 26, 2014

It’s Silly Willy the love dish, Horny thru and thru, Your tongue’s on fire you’re date’s turn on, Awe ee ooh ooh!

That silly willy gets all over the place! Feed it spicy food and watch it zoom around the room like a monkey on a meth/Viagra cocktail. Shenanigans shall ensue and it will get messy! But isn’t that why you make ridiculous culinary creations? You best inspire a fever-pitch amount of naked naughtiness with your vittles or surrender your libido. Seriously. Welcome to advanced Cook To Bang! This recipe is not for the microwave dinner daters. My uncle’s Indonesian wife Frida taught me this chili crab recipe/love potion cooked by men the night they propose to their future wives. The thought behind this is only a crazy woman lacking taste buds and common decency could turn you down after consuming food this awe-inspiring. I’m not saying Cook To Propose (although this would be a worthy dish), but expect you will own the night. Read the rest of this entry »