March 28, 2016
zucchini sticks served

You gotta lick it before you zucchini stick it!

I’m not trying to be crass.  It’s just an open invitation for your tongue.  Do what you gotta, but the door is always open.  This is for your benefit after all. Much like Christmas or Hanukkah, I get way more pleasure giving than receiving.  I assure you this arrangement will be mutually beneficial and your tongue will likely be writing me a thank you note or, at the very least, a Facebook poke.  When your tongue is done licking, you’ll be good to go for any number of sporting events or tailgating parties. Then you’ll be the one whose stick all the cool kids want to lick. Monday football never tasted so naughty!

Total time: approximately 15 minutes
Projected cost: $4
Drinking Buddy: Beer or BANGARITA

zucchini sticks prepIngredients (serves 2):
1. 1 tbsp CALIVIRGIN olive oil
2. ¼ cup breadcrumbs
3. Ranch dressing to dip
4. 1 dash black pepper
5. 1 dash garlic salt
6. 2 dashes dry BASIL flakes
7. 2 dashes CAYENNE PEPPER
8. 1 zucchini
9. 2 eggs

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 450°F/230°C.  Cut the ends off the zucchini and then cut into bite-sized sticks.
zucchini sticks chop
Step 2
Create the breading by combining the breadcrumbs, black pepper, garlic salt, basil and cayenne pepper.  In a separate bowl, beat the eggs.
zucchini sticks breading
Step 3
Grease a pan with olive oil.  Dip each zucchini stick in eggs and then roll in the breading.  Place each stick in the pan, leaving room between them.  Throw them in the oven and bake until the breading browns (approx 7-10 min).
zucchini sticks dip bake
Serve this lower-fat FINGER FOOD FOREPLAY up with the ranch and score a touchdown.

zucchini sticks served 2

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March 16, 2016
Lick lick lick its so sick sick sick (as in good)!

Lick lick lick its so sick sick sick (as in good)!

Apply your whole tongue.  Don’t be shy now.  You want to start from the base and work that saliva up and down and all around the nub. You’re doing something right when there’s twitching and squirming.  How else are you supposed to suck every bit of flavor our of a pot sticker soup? I’m all ears if you have a better idea.  For now, we’ll just have to settle for overzealous tongue action that renders your company slaphappy and craving a cigarette even when they don’t smoke. This Thai inspired soup guide your taste organ to its happy ending.

random thai soup prepTotal time: approximately 10 minutes
Projected cost: $4
Drinking Buddy: Thai beer

Ingredients (serves 2):
1. 1 can Tom Yum Soup*
2. ½ can coconut milk*
3.1 handful green onions chopped
4. 1 handful cilantro chopped
5. 2 handfuls of frozen gyoza/pot-stickers*
6. 1 wedge lime (not pictured)

*available at Asian markets

Step 1
Boil the pot-stickers in the Tom Yum soup until they soften (approx 5 min).  Use a spatula to break them up in bite-sized pieces.random thai soup boil

Step 2
Pour in the coconut milk along with the green onions, cilantro and limejuice and simmer, stirring occasionally (approx 3 min).
random thai soup coconut herbs lime
Serve soup up in bowls with solo or a kick ass ENTRÉE.
random thai soup served 2

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December 16, 2015
We've only just begun, but I'm down to take my sweet sweet time.

We’ve only just begun, but I’m down to take my sweet sweet time.

Seduction is all about finesse.  You can’t just meet someone, ram your tongue down their throat and expect to enjoy full penetration within 10 minutes.  Perhaps if your life is a porno…but the rest of us need to play it cool, even after we break the banging seal.  This applies especially to anyone who spends the night that you want to keep around for a little while.  If you decide not to fake a family emergency to force them out of your bed, you might as well make them breakfast.  Busting out the caviar to sprinkle over your lobster FRITTATA might be overkill.  Try something a little simpler that makes an impression like a well-positioned tongue.  The parfait is the perfect vehicle for morning foreplay because it takes seconds to hook up something refreshing, healthy and damn tasty.  With the morning lubricated by the Parfait Foreplay, proceed with blowing off your plans to bang well into the afternoon. Read the rest of this entry »


November 17, 2010
Salivate or Salvation?

Salivate or Salvation?

Just looking at pictures of this salad makes me salivate.  Good god was this an orgasmic freaking salad.  Everything in here screams healthy, happy and horny.  You could run a goddamn marathon or at least have some killer marathon sex after eating a plate of this bad boy.  My date didn’t know what to say when I served her this masterpiece.  I’m pretty sure she said YUM!  But it was hard to tell since her mouth was full of salad, shortly followed by my tongue.  It’s pretty safe to say that anyone who throws together something this awesome will surely get laid, if not inducted into the COOK TO BANG hall of fame.  Swing for the fences, my friends! Read the rest of this entry »