March 30, 2016
You wanna bang?  Artichokey Dokey!

You wanna bang? Artichokey Dokey!

Have you ever found yourself without inspiration on what sort of vittles to bring to a party?  Ever been scrambling to figure out a classy snack to serve your date with a great bottle of red?  Bruschetta to the rescue!  It’s light, tasty and goddamn refreshing.  Did I mention how simple it is to prepare?  You could whip up a batch with your eyes wide shut leaving you plenty of time to tame those clothes your date is still wearing.  Be sure to remind them that bruschetta is part of the Mediterranean diet.  Be sure to emphasize that you are looking out for their health. The fact the artichoke is a turbo-charged APHRODISIAC is beside the point.  Just go with it when they pounce on you and making a disappearing act of your pants.  Abra-bang-dabra!

Total time: approximately 15 minutes
Projected cost: $9
Drinking Buddy: Red wine

bruschetta prepIngredients (serves 2)
1. 1 tablespoon of olive oil
2. 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
3. 2 twists of crack pepper
4. 1 sprinkle of salt
5. 1 baguette
6. 2 handfuls of drained ARTICHOKE hearts chopped
7. 1 handful of diced red onion
8. 3 tomatoes diced finely
9. 1 small handful of chopped BASIL
10. 2 garlic cloves chopped finely
11. 1 large handful of grated parmesan (skip to make vegan)

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Slice the nubs off the baguette, and then cut ½ inch slices at a diagonal to make more room for fixings.  Place the slices on a baking sheet and toast through in the oven until they brown slightly (approx 10 min).
bruschetta bread
Step 2
Mix together the tomato, artichoke, red onion, basil, garlic, pepper, salt, olive oil and vinegar in a bowl.
bruschetta spread
Step 3
Scoop a tablespoon of bruschetta fixings onto each toasted bread slice.  Sprinkle a little grated Parmesan on top of each and serve with a bottle of wine.
bruschetta drop sprinklebruschetta drop served

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January 6, 2016

Gotta lotta burrata to fatha

Some things in life just belong together. Dog and bone; man and woman; anal sex and lube. The sum is way more awesome than the parts. Can you imagine the Olympics without the ski and snowboard events? The very notion makes me shudder. That’s how I feel about creamy, dreamy burrata mozzarella. This majestic dairy product was hand delivered by Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed on a cloud made of chocolate and feathers. But as good as burrata is, without some sort of tasty wingman, it’s like eating caking frosting in the dark alone on a Saturday night (been there, it ain’t pretty). Tomatoes are the natural go to for most lovers of the CAPRESE SALAD and all things Italian. But clearly those well intentioned, but uninitiated have never enjoyed roasted red peppers with their burrata. I am willing to overlook this infraction, but now you have no excuse. Each bite is like a millions tiny angels tickling your balls or breasts. Heaven is calling your name, my friends! Read the rest of this entry »


October 19, 2015

“I’m long, and I’m strong, and I’m down to get the friction on!” – Sir Mix-A-Lot

Chicken salad makes most people think of a backyard luncheon on a Sunday afternoon after church. The respectable ladies wear their hats, fan themselves with the hymnal handouts, and nibble on dull chicken salad made with chicken, mayo, and sliced celery. I don’t blame you for dismissing chicken salad as a big old snooze-fest. But what if you substituted Mrs. Anderson’s usual yawn-inducing specialty with the Cook To Bang version turbo-loaded with all things banging? You got yourself a Whitesnake video in the backyard. The ladies will rip holes in their Sunday best, crawl across the foldout tables, and shake their teased hair around as if there’s an oversized fan conveniently blowing. The men, the good reverend included, will headbang and mosh, Jell-O cubes flying everywhere. Careful where you serve this salad! Cook To Bang is no liable for the aftermath.

Read the rest of this entry »


October 12, 2015
Lox them up and throw away the key!

Lox them up and throw away the key!

Parents, you have been warned.  Now that this ridonkulously easy recipe is public knowledge, the world of culinary seduction just got a little easier. All those innocent girls yearning to spread their wings shall descend upon the bait laid out for them.  Once they’ve had a taste of this forbidden fruit, all bets are off.  I know that the Religious Right are gritting their teeth and preparing a contingency plan.  Sorry, suckers.  There’s nothing you can do now but pray really HARD.  The rest of us will be cooking and BANGING really HARD. Read the rest of this entry »


September 23, 2015
You are the pimp and your date is your whore-tilla

You are the pimp and your date is your whore-tilla

Are you cursed with dating prudes who just don’t put out?  This is not unlike slamming your finger in a car door, but it’s your self-esteem that cries out in pain.  Your first problem is that you shouldn’t try to pick up prospective dates at a Jonas Brothers concert.  And even if you are a sucker who thinks meeting a nice girl or boy is the way to go, Cook To Bang like a champ and you will make that purity rings land perfectly in the trash with nothing but net.  I have faith that you can turn the rosy-cheeked innocent into your sex slave with the right approach.  That’s why I developed this hearty tortilla soup for you.  It’s quite healthy, has an APHRODISIAC double threat, and seems wholesome at first glance.  That is exactly how you should operate.  Get in under the radar and then turn your date out.  Turn that nun or choirboy into your own personal whore.  Now hear yourself ROAR! Read the rest of this entry »


August 3, 2015
Brie-lieve in yourself, and your date will believe any BS you tell them.

Brie-lieve in yourself, and your date will believe any BS you tell them.

Your idea of fine wine and cheese may be a box of Franzia and cheese whiz on a Ritz. But that road will lead you down a date with your own reflection, or possibly your mom’s bridge club treasurer.  You would be much better served taking a few minutes to razzle dazzle your sexy someone with some tricks of the oven.  Serving Brie cheese screams out, “I am indeed sophisticated and quite possibly speak French…when I’m not freelancing as an art appraiser for the Royal Family that is.”  I concocted this delight after seeing something similar dish at a dinner party. The chef responsible was forced to endure pointed questions about how and what from the cutest girl at the table.  Naturally, I took note of both the chef in question’s game and his rock star recipe.  Some tweaks were in order to turn it into kryptonite for the most frigid of lust interests.  Walnuts make everything better, particularly when brown sugar caramelizes them into a dish heretofore unstoppable.  If baked Brie served with bread and a bottle of cabernet won’t get the job done, I suggest a trip to the vet to get neutered.

1. 1/8 stick of butter
2. 1 handful of crushed walnuts
3. 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
4. 5 thin slices of a pear
5. 1 pie piece of Brie cheese

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.  Grease a baking pan with a little butter.  Use the pear slices as a bed for the brie to sit on top of.  Use the rest of the butter and spread over the brie.  Spread the brown sugar evenly over the brie/butter.  Finally crown it all with the walnuts like the royalty that it is.
Step 2
Throw your culinary creation into the oven and bake for 30 minutes.  The brown sugar will be caramelized and the cheese supple as a Vestal Virgin.  Serve on plate with slices of French bread or crackers and let the wanton lust take control of the mighty impressed object of your affection.baked-briez-nuts-served-2


February 16, 2015
oral tatersplosions served

This recipe will self-destruct in 10 seconds…after you bang like a champ!

These potatoes are not unlike Inspector Gadget’s self-destructing mission assignments.  But instead of them blowing up and you get saliva across your face instead of soot.  These bad boys pack a walloping 1-2-3 punch of tasty, decadent flavor.  They are not for the pantywaists concerned about too much flavor overwhelming the subtlety of the evening.  Not on my watch!  Like Inspector Gadget, and really his dog Brain who did everything, I am working with a shadowy government organization seeking to rid the world of flavor.  That is where these potatoes come in.  It’s our secret weapon against those who would remove any remnants of toe-curling pleasure you could eke out of dining.  If we let them win now, who’s to say what they could next. Soon enough they’ll be taking away our love of banging! Glenn Beck should be all up in their tits.  Who’s the real American hero now, crybaby? Read the rest of this entry »


September 25, 2014
kiwi melt served

It will melt in your mouth, your date will melt in your hands.

You know you’re in for a wild ride as soon as this melty concoction hits the tip of your tongue.  The first bite should make it clear that you ain’t eating your grandmother’s sandwich.  No siree!  We’re talking about the next step in culinary evolution.  Combining fruit, meat and cheese on bread was the inevitable next step in tasty temptations.  Sure you could just make a tuna melt that would put your date to sleep long before you can lay the mack down.  But why not just stick your genitals in the freezer? You won’t be needing those anyway.  Our world of convenience and innovation demands that you take a few extra steps to get what you REALLY want.  This sandwich will only take you a few extra minutes, which will be paid for in dividends when you are reclined, sweaty and gasping for air.  This kiwi melt should melt resistance and clothes right off.  What are you waiting for?  Make New Zealand proud! Read the rest of this entry »


July 30, 2014

I wrapped these tasty morsels up in lettuce and God said it was good.

You read that right. These lettuce wraps are no joke. Dr. Atkins is saluting them from his cloud in heaven. How could this much flavor be packed into such a low carb treat? Is it a miracle? Did God communicate this recipe to me from atop the mountain like Moses on Mount Sinai? The answer to all these questions is “You damn skippy!” This creation has absolutely nothing to do with the fact there was no bread in my house. Poppycock to those heretics who suggest otherwise. And the crowd of one I served it was certainly happy and surprised by the result. She too doubted that it would work. But I converted her into a believer. Can I get an amen? Read the rest of this entry »


July 28, 2014
Get a room?  What’s wrong with a little exhibitionism?  You get a room!

Get a room? What’s wrong with a little exhibitionism? You get a room!

No doubt, some ninny has scolded you for PDA’ing the night away.  They are just jealous of your mojo and spontaneity.  It’s not your fault they aren’t inspired to engage in carnal acts in public, possibly in a suburban shopping mall or on a merry-go-round.  Chances are they haven’t banged properly since the Reagan administration.  Tough titties.  You on the other hand still have a pulse and should cry out, “To hell with you cock-blocking conservatives!”  Grab that special someone’s ass and pull them towards you.  Encourage them to open their mouth and feed them something refreshing and sensual…like this salad.  The fresh tomatoes will dance on your tongues like another tongue, preparing them for the inevitable closing move that will ruffle the feathers of every starched shirt in a 10-mile radius.  Know in your heart that you haven’t done your job until you get complaints from the morality morons. Read the rest of this entry »